A connectome of the Drosophila central complex reveals network motifs suitable for flexible navigation and context-dependent action selection

Brad K. Hulse, Hannah Haberkern, Romain Franconville, Daniel B. Turner-Evans et al.
bioRxiv. December 2020


Jayaraman Lab, HHMI Janelia


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, neuPrint, neuTu, neuVid, Blender, Cytoscape


Paper Summary

The Central Complex (CX) is an extensively studied area in the brain of Drosophila Melanogaster linked to orientation and navigation. This paper uses the hemibrain connectome to describe all CX neurons and circuits at synaptic resolution. It details insights revealed by the hemibrain connectome, including novel cell type, sensory input and motor output pathways, and network motifs underlying navigational computation.

Figure 1 (B)
Figure 1 (C-D)
Figure 56 (Ci-ii)
Figure 56 (E)
Figure 6 (Bi-ii)
Figure 46
Figure 4-figure supplement 2
Figure 26 (Ai-ii)
Figure 7 (B)
Figure 8 (Ai-iii)
Figure 40-figure supplement 1